*Be sure to check back as this page will be continuously updated with scholarship.
Mary Rice
Rice, M. & Dallacqua, A. (2022). The Mothering/Scholaring Self: Entangled digital representations in pandemic times. Learning, Media, and Technology, 47(3), 373-385.
Keywords: women professors, working during the pandemic, working from home, literacy as digital representation
Video link:
Rice, M., & Ortiz, K. (2022). Reframing parental involvement in online learning as shared work. Journal of Research in Technology Education.
Keywords: families in online learning, students with disabilities learning online, online special education, parent involvement in online learning
Video link:
Rice, M. (2021). Reconceptualizing teacher professional learning about technology integration as intra-active entanglements. Professional Development in Education, 47(3), 524-537.
Keywords: teacher identities with technologies, digital devices in schools, technology integration, rural education with technologies
Video link:
Kathryn Riley
Riley, K. & Proctor, L. (2022). The senses/sensing relationship in physical literacy: Generating a worldly (re)enchantment for physical education. Journal of Sport, Education and Society.
Keywords: physical education, physical literacy, aesthetics, response-ability, Margaret Whitehead, Alfred North Whitehead
Riley, K. & Proctor, L. (2021). A physical education/environmental education nexus: Transdisciplinary approaches to curriculum for a ‘Sense of belonging’. Australian Journal of Environmental Education. 1–12. doi: 10.1017/aee.2021.29
Keywords: new materialism, physical education/environmental education nexus, postqualitative research, rhizomatic assemblages of relations, sense of belonging, transdisciplinary approaches to curriculum
Riley, K. & White, P. (2019). ‘Attuning-with’, affect, and assemblages of relations in a transdisciplinary environmental education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1(11).doi: 10.1017/aee.2019.30
Keywords: attuning-with, affect, assemblage, transdisciplinary environmental education, Anthropocene
Eva Neely
Neely, E., Pettie, M., & Henderson, E. (2023). Beyond voice: An onto-epistemological analysis of maternal transition inquiry. Feminism and Psychology.
Keywords: feminist new materialism, maternal transition, motherhood, posthuman, postqualitative inquiry
Neely, E., LaMarre, A., McKibben, L., Sharp, K., & Simons, S. (2023). Knowing-being-doing with digital stories: affective and collective potentialities in the higher education classroom. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 1–19.
Keywords: affective pedagogies digital stories, assessment, assemblages, creative
Neely, E. (2023). Theorising mother-baby-assemblages: The vital emergence of maternal health. Social Science & Medicine.
Keywords: maternal transition, assemblage, new materialism, non-human, affect, embodiment
Thomas Albright
Albright, T. (2023). Youth participatory action research: Schooling, learning, and entangled lines of flight. Educational Action Research.
Keywords: YPAR, out-of-school, secondary education, posthumanism
Albright, T. (2022). Youth participatory action research in school: A posthumanist account of participation and mattering. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 14(1), 88-100.
Keywords: YPAR, high school, posthumanism, intra-action, thing-power
Bretton A. Varga
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2023). Theorizing mimesis across social studies contexts of mimicry, imitation, and simulation. Theory & Research in Social Education. Advanced online publication.
Keywords: posthuman mimesis, simulations, copying-pedagogies
Varga, B. A., & Shear, S. B. (2022). (Re)configurations and emplotments of more-than-witness(es/ing) in the an(thropo/glo)cene. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Advance online publication.
Keywords: more-than-witnessing, critical posthumanisms, connectivity ontologies
Varga, B. A. (2022). Posthuman figurations and hauntological graspings of historical consciousness/thinking through (re)photography. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Advance online publication.
Keywords: hauntology, (re)photography, pastpresentfuture, spacetimemattering
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2022). D032 n07 c0mpu73: Exploring (post)human bodies and worlds with/in droidial(ity) and narrative contexts. Journal of Childhood Studies, 47(1), 70-87.
Keywords: posthumanism, droids, speculative literacies, thinking with theory
Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley
McKinnon-Crowley, S. (2022) How to Win Dissertation Arguments and Influence Readers: Reflections on Conducting Focused Ethnographic Research Online. The Qualitative Report, 27(6), 1522–1533.
Keywords: focused ethnography, financial aid, online research
Epstein, E, & McKinnon-Crowley, S. (2020). (D)riven by Neoliberalism: Exploring Alternative Purposes for Higher Education. Texas Education Review, 8(2), 6–17.
Keywords: higher education, educational purpose, credentialing, education policy
Burmicky, J., McKinnon-Crowley, S., Bukoski, B., & Black, V. (2022). Mamapreneurialism: Creating More Inclusive Institutions Through the Lens of Working Mothers’ Experiences in Student Affairs. Journal of College Student Development, 63(1), 1–15.
Keywords: neoliberalism, working mothers, higher education, student affairs
Voyles, A., McKinnon-Crowley, S., & Bukoski, B. (2019). Absolution and participation in privilege: The false fronts of men student affairs professionals. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, 1(2), 95–122.
Keywords: gender, performativity, thinking with theory, Foucault, student affairs
Kathryn J. Strom
Kayumova, S., & Strom, K. J. (2023). Ontology, Epistemology, and Critical Theory in STEM Education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Keywords: onto-epistemology, STEM education, K-12 education, critical complexity perspectives
Strom, K., & Mills, T. (2022). Enacting Posthuman Ethics to Do Academia Differently: Toward an Affirmative Peer Reviewing Practice. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 14(1), 9-22.
Keywords: critical posthumanism, posthuman inquiry, peer review, higher education, affect
Strom, K. J., & Martin, A. D. (2022). Toward a critical posthuman understanding of teacher development and practice: A multi-case study of beginning teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 114, 103688.
Keywords: teacher education, critical posthumanism, science education, teacher learning, teaching practice
Strom, K., & Mills, T. (2022). Enacting affirmative ethics through autotheory: sense-making with affect during COVID-19. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1-16.
Keywords: affect, critical posthumanism, posthuman inquiry, autotheory, affirmative ethics
“How else can one write but of those things one doesn’t know, or knows badly? It is precisely there that we imagine having something to say.”
— Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition